Sunday, June 5, 2016

Prepare for struggle on 7th CPC issues - Karnataka COC

The Staff side had demand of minimum wage of Rs 26000/- & fitment formula of 3.71. Against this the 7th CPC had recommended minimum wage of Rs 18000/- & fitment formula of 2.57. The 7th CPC recommendations has provided only at 14% wage hike at Group “C” level it is only ranging from Rs 2240/- to Rs 3500/- increase per month, and at Group “B” level ranging from Rs 4000/- to Rs 6500/- increase per month. This increase is lowest by any pay commission, hence vast changes are required as the prices of essential commodities have gone up and also the inflation rate has gone up.

There are various reports on 7th Central Pay commission on the media reports on minimum wage of Rs 21000/- & fitment formula of 3.00, (which is at 34% wage hike against the 14% wage hike recommended by the 7th CPC).

These reports are totally wrong and not true, these reports divert the Central Government Employees from the struggle path. Now it’s clear from the meeting of the staff side leaders with the Cabinet Secretary that there will likely hood of the slight increase in minimum wage, but not be any changes in the fitment formula. This is against the Staff side demand of minimum wage of Rs 26000/- & fitment formula of 3.71.

Secondly there is no change in allowances expect HRA that too its rates are reduced by the 7th CPC and also many allowances have been withdrawn. This is saving for the Government.
Comrades it is the time to struggle, we should educate the members and prepare for struggle, so that we should get at least 50 % wage hike without allowances, as allowances are not taken into pension benefit.

Only struggle will get us benefit. Please don’t believe on rumours. Now it is now or never. Serve strike notice on 9th June 2016.

Comradely yours
General Secretary

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