CBI Inspector Recruitment 2016 Notification Application, CBI Recruitment 2016 – 74 Inspector Jobs at cbi.nic.in
CBI Recruitment 2016: Central Bureau of Investigation has published recruitment notification for Inspector on contract for one year. eligible and interested applicants hurry up and enroll for CBI Recruitment 2016 Application form through the official website cbi.gov.in
CBI Inspector Recruitment 2016 Apply Online for 74 Posts
CBI Recruitment 2016 has been announced. Central Bureau of Investigation has posted a recruitment notification for the recruitment of the Inspector posts. Eligible candidates may apply online mode before 6th April 2016. More details like age limit, qualification, how to apply, selection process, online application form are given below.
CBI Recruitment 2016 Vacancy Details:
Company Name: Central Bureau Investigation (CBI)
Number of the Vacancy: 74
Post Name: Inspector
Education Qualification : Candidates should be Graduate from a Recognized Institute or university and having the 10 years experience in Criminal cases are eligible to apply for the CBI inspector recruitment 2016.
Age Limit: 21 to 30 years as on 01.06.2015
Scale of Pay: Rs.40, 000/- per month
How to apply: Eligible candidates may download the prescribed CBI inspector application form from the main page. Fill with required details and attach the relevant documents then sends to the respective address as given below.
Government of India
5-B, 7TH floor ‘A’ & ‘B’ Wing CGO Complex
Lodi Road New Delhi-110003
Last date: 06-04-2016
CBI recruitment notification 2016 & application form
CBI Inspector Recruitment 2016 can download in official website and same on this page. Filled application form send to the given respective address in above. Requested to the applicants for more updates can visit official website.
CBI Recruitment 2016: Central Bureau of Investigation has published recruitment notification for Inspector on contract for one year. eligible and interested applicants hurry up and enroll for CBI Recruitment 2016 Application form through the official website cbi.gov.in
CBI Inspector Recruitment 2016 Apply Online for 74 Posts
CBI Recruitment 2016 has been announced. Central Bureau of Investigation has posted a recruitment notification for the recruitment of the Inspector posts. Eligible candidates may apply online mode before 6th April 2016. More details like age limit, qualification, how to apply, selection process, online application form are given below.
CBI Recruitment 2016 Vacancy Details:
Company Name: Central Bureau Investigation (CBI)
Number of the Vacancy: 74
Post Name: Inspector
Education Qualification : Candidates should be Graduate from a Recognized Institute or university and having the 10 years experience in Criminal cases are eligible to apply for the CBI inspector recruitment 2016.
Age Limit: 21 to 30 years as on 01.06.2015
Scale of Pay: Rs.40, 000/- per month
How to apply: Eligible candidates may download the prescribed CBI inspector application form from the main page. Fill with required details and attach the relevant documents then sends to the respective address as given below.
Government of India
5-B, 7TH floor ‘A’ & ‘B’ Wing CGO Complex
Lodi Road New Delhi-110003
Last date: 06-04-2016
CBI recruitment notification 2016 & application form
CBI Inspector Recruitment 2016 can download in official website and same on this page. Filled application form send to the given respective address in above. Requested to the applicants for more updates can visit official website.